Severe Wound Care Specialists

If You Have a Severe Wound or Pressure Ulcer That Has NOT Healed In The Last 30 Days, WE CAN HELP!


In 2022, 431,429 Limbs Were LOST due to Inefficient Wound Care.

Don’t Let That Happen To You or Your Loved Ones

If you have TRICARE or MEDICARE PART B, you may BE ELIGIBLE for IN-HOME Advanced Wound Care.

To Receive Wound Care Help

I understand that Decellularized Amniotic Skin Substitutes are a Benefit covered By Medicare Part B and Tricare. Please select your coverage:
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Not All Wound Care Is Equal – Quick Facts

For Help, Please Phone: (877) 728-0103

SKIN SUBSTITUTES are used to treat:

Large Non Healing Wounds
– Open or Non Healing Bed Sores
– Diabetic or Pressure Ulcers
– Large Pressure Sores
– Non-healing surgical procedures
– Large Severe Burns


Effective Vs. Traditional Non-Efficient Skin Substitutes

Wound Care has remained mostly unchanged since the Civil War. Large, severe, and non-healing wounds are typically cleaned, debrided, and wrapped until they heal or result in amputation. This process can be lengthy, painful, and ineffective. You may wonder why recent wound care advances aren’t common in many wound treatment scenarios. 

The answer is two-part. Skin Substitutes, particularly Amniotic Allograft wound wraps, have added a critical missing component to EFFECTIVE WOUND CARE.

In layman’s terms, ALLOGRAFT SKIN SUBSTITUTES provide anti-inflammatory effects that tend to accelerate the healing process. However, not all skin substitutes are created equal. 

Let’s First Consider How They Are Similar – When You Are Being Treated With Allograft Skin Substitutes, Here’s What To Expect:

  1. Skin Substitutes are almost ENTIRELY EFFECTIVE When Used Correctly.
  2. Allograft Wound Wraps are NON-SURGICAL. 
  3. If you are a SMOKER – This Treatment is NOT Efficient and will not be covered.  
  4. Treatments are often administered IN HOME
  5. Depending on your Medicare Part B and Ancellory coverage, this treatment may be covered WITHOUT out-of-pocket costs. 
  6. Tricare covers qualifying skin substitutes completely. 
  7. You can expect up to 8 in-home non-surgical treatments. 

Let’s Understand Why Finding a Large Wound Specialist Can Be Difficult:

This is largely a result of modern medical codes and billing. Each procedure has a code and a specific way to submit it for approval. A professional medical billing company must know new codes and how to properly submit a claim. Professional Medical Billing Companies can be costly to medical practices, which often perform in-house billing.

This can be tragic as many in-house billing departments lack the knowledge to submit a claim properly and get denied. Rather than hire a professional billing company, they do not offer the procedure. 

Amniotic Allograft Wraps that have been properly decellularized, preserved, and treated provide many benefits. They support new skin growth due to their prevalence of growth factors. They also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects that have been shown to accelerate new skin growth in close severe wounds in as little as 6 weeks.  Many facilities use an inferior allograft from a different part of the human body (the chorion layer) or even synthetic skin substitutes, which are not as effective for healing and have potential side effects. 

We Can Help You Now!

To Receive Wound Care Help

I understand that Decellularized Amniotic Skin Substitutes are a Benefit covered By Medicare Part B and Tricare. Please select your coverage:
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You do NOT have to settle for Inferior Treatment – LET US HELP! 

If you have Tricare, Medicare Part B, and a Non-Healing Wound that has been treated for 30 days or longer, please do NOT DELAY. Wounds become more toxic and challenging to treat the longer they are left open. LET US HELP YOU connect with a Severe Wound Care Specialist who can Treat You In the Comfort of your home. Our directory assistance is at NO COST TO YOU and can help you get Advanced Wound Care Treatment for Severe Wounds, Ulcers, and Sores.  

To Receive Wound Care Help

I understand that Decellularized Amniotic Skin Substitutes are a Benefit covered By Medicare Part B and Tricare. Please select your coverage:
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Disclaimer: We currently offer services in the United State, Florida, Indiana and Michigan. At home wound care is currently not available in all locations. We cannot provide medical advice. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.